We are currently in the process of sketching out possibilities. Here are a few ways you can become a part of the project.

Join the community.

The collaboratory is where we connect our passions, share our projects, and develop our courses and learning journeys. Anyone is welcome to join. Join the collaboratory.

You can also subscribe to our email list for occasional updates and invitations to courses and events.

Meet your fellow Possibilitarians.

We host weekly calls to connect and share our creative projects and help each other work through creative blocks. Anyone is welcome to join. Joining instructions here:


Create a course.

At the School of the Possible, we care more about what you are interested in than what you are expert in. Since we are exploring possibilities, courses do not have teachers, they have leaders, who outfit and organize learning explorations and expeditions.

If you’re interested in developing a course, sign up for our course creation course.

Enroll in a course.

We have several courses that are currently in the development stage. Learn more.